
Dissertation of the Year Award

The NCBAA-Northeast Region Dissertation of the Year award will recognize an individual whose exemplary doctoral dissertation aligns with the mission of NCBAA, contributes to the literature on community colleges, and/or makes a substantial contribution to policy, procedures, and practice that has an impact on African American students, faculty, staff, and administrators. Exemplary research revises understanding of a researchable problem associated with African Americans in the community college, identifies a research problem new to the field, and/or demonstrates sound interdisciplinary research. Only dissertations judged to be truly outstanding will be recognized.

Nomination Materials

Nominations for the Dissertation of the Year award must include the following materials:

  1. Letter of Nomination submitted by the dissertation author, committee member, or professional peer. Letter of Nomination must include the following:
    • Dissertation author’s name, mailing address, email address, and telephone number.
    • Title of the dissertation, awarding institution, date conferred, and name of dissertation chair or advisor.
    • A statement outlining the reasons the nominee is deserving of consideration for this award.
    • Written confirmation of the nominee’s availability to present his/her research at the NCBAA-Northeast Region Spring conference on March 19–20, 2020 in Hartford, CT
  2. A brief description or abstract of the dissertation (not to exceed 750 words) that includes significance of the research, methodology, relevance of the results, and contribution to the literature.
  3. A copy of the dissertation committee’s signature page.
  4. A copy of the final summary chapter of the dissertation or a maximum of 15-page double-spaced summary of the dissertation.
  5. A letter of support (not to exceed 1 page) from the dissertation chair/advisor or committee member addressing the exemplary features of the study.
  6. One-paragraph biography of the nominee.

Submission Process: Send an electronic copy of the nomination materials the NCBAA Northeast Executive Office via email at [email protected]. Incomplete nomination materials will not be considered. Dissertations previously nominated will not be reconsidered. Each nominee may submit up to two nominations.

Submission Deadline: Electronic nomination materials must be submitted via email no later than Friday, February 14, 2019 at 11:59 p.m.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Dissertation of the Year award, the recipient must:

Both members and non-members of NCBAA-Northeast Region will be considered for this award.

Selection/Evaluation Criteria​

  • Significance of the problem and research questions that align with the mission of NCBAA
  • Relevance of the contribution to the literature
  • Comprehensive use of research methodology
  • Quality of the data analysis
  • Meaningful application of the results
  • Significance of the study to theory and/or practice

Award Given

The recipient of the Dissertation of the Year Award  will receive the following:

NCBAA-Northeast Region areas: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Virgin Islands